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Career Tech Education used to be known as "Vocational Education". Over the past 40 years, CTE has come a long way. Years ago, CTE or Vocational Education was seen as an alternative to college prep courses. It was commonly understood that student who took these programs would most likely go directly into the workforce and not attend post-secondary education. Today, Career Tech is more often an alternative pathway to college. We are pleased to announce that EVERY program in the Compact offers students an opportunity to earn college credit while in their high school program. Credit is not awarded automatically. Students must successfully complete the program and pass required exams. Please see the section on College Credit on this page.
Career Tech is divided into 3 major sections.
The first, and probably most familiar to you will be our Secondary Workforce Programs (SWF). These include all 1 and 2 year programs that are a minimum of 450 hours of class / internship time. These programs are listed on the left of the page under "Quick Links".
The second is our Family and Consumer Sciences programs (FCS). Think of these as the old "Home Economics" courses with new standards. Not all FCS courses are considered to be Career Tech. FCS course offerings vary by district and may be available at the middle school and high school level. These courses are typically one period classes.
The third component is Career Based Intervention (CBI). This is very similar to the OWA and OWE, Work Study programs of the past. CBI students are taught "soft job skills" such as interviewing and ideally will have a paid or unpaid job to help develop other job skills. Students will also receive intervention in one or more academic areas. CBI programs are only available to students who are deemed "at risk" either academically or economically. CBI is not offered in every district.